Source code for menpo.landmark.base

import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict, MutableMapping
import fnmatch

import numpy as np

from menpo.base import Copyable
from menpo.transform.base import Transformable
from menpo.visualize.base import Viewable, viewwrapper

[docs]class Landmarkable(Copyable): r""" Abstract interface for object that can have landmarks attached to them. Landmarkable objects have a public dictionary of landmarks which are managed by a :map:`LandmarkManager`. This means that different sets of landmarks can be attached to the same object. Landmarks can be N-dimensional and are expected to be some subclass of :map:`PointCloud` or :map:`LabelledPointUndirectedGraph`. """ def __init__(self): self._landmarks = None
[docs] def n_dims(self): """ The total number of dimensions. :type: `int` """ raise NotImplementedError()
@property def landmarks(self): """ The landmarks object. :type: :map:`LandmarkManager` """ if self._landmarks is None: self._landmarks = LandmarkManager() return self._landmarks @property def has_landmarks(self): """ Whether the object has landmarks. :type: `bool` """ return self._landmarks is not None and self.landmarks.n_groups != 0 @landmarks.setter def landmarks(self, value): """ Landmarks setter. Parameters ---------- value : :map:`LandmarkManager` The landmarks to set. """ # firstly, make sure the dim is correct. Note that the dim can be None lm_n_dims = value.n_dims if lm_n_dims is not None and lm_n_dims != self.n_dims: raise ValueError( "Trying to set {}D landmarks on a " "{}D object".format(value.n_dims, self.n_dims)) self._landmarks = value.copy() @property def n_landmark_groups(self): r""" The number of landmark groups on this object. :type: `int` """ return self.landmarks.n_groups
[docs]class LandmarkManager(MutableMapping, Transformable): """Store for :map:`PointCloud` or ::map:`LabelledPointUndirectedGraph` instances associated with an object. Every :map:`Landmarkable` instance has an instance of this class available at the ``.landmarks`` property. It is through this class that all access to landmarks attached to instances is handled. In general the :map:`LandmarkManager` provides a dictionary-like interface for storing landmarks. The LandmarkManager will contain instances of :map:`PointCloud` or :map:`LabelledPointUndirectedGraph` or subclasses thereof. :map:`LabelledPointUndirectedGraph` is unique in it's ability to include labels that refer to subsets of the underlying points that represent interesting semantic *labels*. These :map:`PointCloud` or :map:`LabelledPointUndirectedGraph` (or subclasses) are stored under string keys - these keys are refereed to as the **group name**. A special case is where there is a single unambiguous group attached to a :map:`LandmarkManager` - in this case ``None`` can be used as a key to access this sole group. Note that all groups stored on a :map:`Landmarkable` in it's attached :map:`LandmarkManager` are automatically transformed and copied with their parent object. """ def __init__(self): super(LandmarkManager, self).__init__() self._landmark_groups = OrderedDict() @property def n_dims(self): """ The total number of dimensions. :type: `int` """ if self.n_groups != 0: # Python version independent way of getting the first value for v in self._landmark_groups.values(): return v.n_dims else: return None
[docs] def copy(self): r""" Generate an efficient copy of this :map:`LandmarkManager`. Returns ------- ``type(self)`` A copy of this object """ # The dict will be shallow copied - rectify that here new = Copyable.copy(self) for k, v in new._landmark_groups.items(): new._landmark_groups[k] = v.copy() return new
def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over the internal landmark group dictionary. """ return iter(self._landmark_groups) def __setitem__(self, group, value): """ Sets a new landmark group for the given label. This can be set using an any :map`PointCloud` subclass. Existing landmark groups will be replaced. Parameters ---------- group : `string` Label of new group. value : :map:`PointCloud` or subclass The new landmark group to set. Raises ------ DimensionalityError If the landmarks and the shape are not of the same dimensionality. """ from menpo.shape import PointCloud if group is None: raise ValueError('Cannot set using the key `None`. `None` has a ' 'reserved meaning for landmark groups.') # firstly, make sure the dim is correct n_dims = self.n_dims if n_dims is not None and value.n_dims != n_dims: raise ValueError( "Trying to set {}D landmarks on a " "{}D LandmarkManager".format(value.n_dims, self.n_dims)) if not isinstance(value, PointCloud): raise ValueError('Valid types are any subclass of PointCloud') # Copy the landmark group so that we now own it lmark_group = value.copy() self._landmark_groups[group] = lmark_group def __getitem__(self, group=None): """ Returns the group for the provided label. Parameters --------- group : `string`, optional The label of the group. If None is provided, and if there is only one group, the unambiguous group will be returned. Returns ------- lmark_group : :map:`PointCloud` or :map:`LabelledPointUndirectedGraph` The matching landmarks. """ if group is None: if self.n_groups == 1: group = self.group_labels[0] else: raise ValueError("Cannot use None as a key as there are {} " "landmark groups".format(self.n_groups)) return self._landmark_groups[group] def __delitem__(self, group): """ Delete the group for the provided label. Parameters --------- group : `string` The label of the group. """ del self._landmark_groups[group] def __len__(self): return len(self._landmark_groups) def __setstate__(self, state): # consistency with older versions imported. if not isinstance(state['_landmark_groups'], OrderedDict): state['_landmark_groups'] = OrderedDict(state['_landmark_groups']) self.__dict__ = state def _ipython_key_completions_(self): # Opt in to IPython tab completion - see # return list(self) @property def n_groups(self): """ Total number of labels. :type: `int` """ return len(self._landmark_groups) @property def has_landmarks(self): """ Whether the object has landmarks or not :type: `int` """ return self.n_groups != 0 @property def group_labels(self): """ All the labels for the landmark set sorted by insertion order. :type: `list` of `str` """ # Convert to list so that we can index immediately, as keys() # is a generator in Python 3 return list(self._landmark_groups.keys())
[docs] def keys_matching(self, glob_pattern): r""" Yield only landmark group names (keys) matching a given glob. Parameters ---------- glob_pattern : `str` A glob pattern e.g. 'frontal_face_*' Yields ------ keys: group labels that match the glob pattern """ for key in fnmatch.filter(self.keys(), glob_pattern): yield key
[docs] def items_matching(self, glob_pattern): r""" Yield only items ``(group, PointCloud)`` where the key matches a given glob. Parameters ---------- glob_pattern : `str` A glob pattern e.g. 'frontal_face_*' Yields ------ item : ``(group, PointCloud)`` Tuple of (str, PointCloud) where the group matches the glob. """ for k, v in self.items(): if fnmatch.fnmatch(k, glob_pattern): yield k, v
def _transform_inplace(self, transform): for group in self._landmark_groups.values(): group._transform_inplace(transform) return self @viewwrapper def view_widget(self): r""" Abstract method for viewing with an interactive widget. See the :map:`viewwrapper` documentation for an explanation of how the `view_widget` method works. """ pass def _view_widget_2d(self, figure_size=(7, 7)): r""" Visualization of the landmark manager using an interactive widget. Parameters ---------- figure_size : (`int`, `int`), optional The initial size of the rendered figure. """ try: from menpowidgets import view_widget view_widget(self, figure_size=figure_size) except ImportError: from menpo.visualize.base import MenpowidgetsMissingError raise MenpowidgetsMissingError() def _view_widget_3d(self): r""" Visualization of the landmark manager using an interactive widget. """ try: from menpowidgets import view_widget view_widget(self) except ImportError: from menpo.visualize.base import MenpowidgetsMissingError raise MenpowidgetsMissingError() def __str__(self): out_string = '{}: n_groups: {}'.format(type(self).__name__, self.n_groups) if self.has_landmarks: for label in self: out_string += '\n' out_string += '({}): {}'.format(label, self[label].__str__()) return out_string
# TODO: Deprecate this - this handles importing old-style LandmarkGroup class LandmarkGroup(object): def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # This is a crazy hack that means when old style LandmarkGroup # objects are imported it is actually new-style # LabelledPointUndirectedGraph objects that are created. from menpo.shape import LabelledPointUndirectedGraph return LabelledPointUndirectedGraph.__new__( LabelledPointUndirectedGraph, *args, **kwargs)