Source code for menpo.model.gmrf

from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import bsr_matrix

from menpo.base import name_of_callable
from menpo.math import as_matrix
from menpo.shape import UndirectedGraph
from menpo.visualize import print_progress, bytes_str, print_dynamic

def _covariance_matrix_inverse(cov_mat, n_components):
    if n_components is None:
        return np.linalg.inv(cov_mat)
            s, v, d = np.linalg.svd(cov_mat)
            s = s[:, :n_components]
            v = v[:n_components]
            d = d[:n_components, :]
            return np.linalg.inv(cov_mat)

def _create_sparse_precision(X, graph, n_features, n_features_per_vertex,
                             mode='concatenation', dtype=np.float32,
                             n_components=None, bias=0,
                             return_covariances=False, verbose=False):
    # check mode argument
    if mode not in ['concatenation', 'subtraction']:
        raise ValueError("mode must be either ''concatenation'' "
                         "or ''subtraction''; {} is given.".format(mode))

    # Initialize arrays
    all_blocks = np.zeros((graph.n_edges * 4,
                           n_features_per_vertex, n_features_per_vertex),
    if return_covariances:
        if mode == 'concatenation':
            cov_shape = (graph.n_edges,
                         2 * n_features_per_vertex, 2 * n_features_per_vertex)
            cov_shape = (graph.n_edges,
                         n_features_per_vertex, n_features_per_vertex)
        all_covariances = np.zeros(cov_shape, dtype=dtype)
    columns = np.zeros(graph.n_edges * 4)
    rows = np.zeros(graph.n_edges * 4)

    # Print information if asked
    if verbose:
        edges = print_progress(range(graph.n_edges), n_items=graph.n_edges,
                               prefix='Precision per edge',
        edges = range(graph.n_edges)

    # Compute covariance matrix for each edge, invert it and store it
    count = -1
    for e in edges:
        # edge vertices
        v1 = graph.edges[e, 0]
        v2 = graph.edges[e, 1]

        # find indices in data matrix
        v1_from = v1 * n_features_per_vertex
        v1_to = (v1 + 1) * n_features_per_vertex
        v2_from = v2 * n_features_per_vertex
        v2_to = (v2 + 1) * n_features_per_vertex

        # data concatenation
        if mode == 'concatenation':
            edge_data = X[:, list(range(v1_from, v1_to)) +
                             list(range(v2_from, v2_to))]
            edge_data = X[:, v1_from:v1_to] - X[:, v2_from:v2_to]

        # compute covariance matrix
        covmat = np.cov(edge_data, rowvar=0, bias=bias)
        if return_covariances:
            all_covariances[e] = covmat

        # invert it
        covmat = _covariance_matrix_inverse(covmat, n_components)

        # store it
        if mode == 'concatenation':
            # v1, v1
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = \
                covmat[:n_features_per_vertex, :n_features_per_vertex]
            rows[count] = v1
            columns[count] = v1
            # v2, v2
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = \
                covmat[n_features_per_vertex::, n_features_per_vertex::]
            rows[count] = v2
            columns[count] = v2
            # v1, v2
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = \
                covmat[:n_features_per_vertex, n_features_per_vertex::]
            rows[count] = v1
            columns[count] = v2
            # v2, v1
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = \
                covmat[n_features_per_vertex::, :n_features_per_vertex]
            rows[count] = v2
            columns[count] = v1
            # v1, v1
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = covmat
            rows[count] = v1
            columns[count] = v1
            # v2, v2
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = covmat
            rows[count] = v2
            columns[count] = v2
            # v1, v2
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = -covmat
            rows[count] = v1
            columns[count] = v2
            # v2, v1
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = -covmat
            rows[count] = v2
            columns[count] = v1

    # sort rows, columns and all_blocks
    rows_arg_sort = rows.argsort()
    columns = columns[rows_arg_sort]
    all_blocks = all_blocks[rows_arg_sort]
    rows = rows[rows_arg_sort]

    # create indptr
    n_rows = graph.n_vertices
    indptr = np.zeros(n_rows + 1)
    for i in range(n_rows):
        inds, = np.where(rows == i)
        if inds.size == 0:
            indptr[i + 1] = indptr[i]
            indptr[i] = inds[0]
            indptr[i + 1] = inds[-1] + 1

    # create block sparse matrix
    if return_covariances:
        return (bsr_matrix((all_blocks, columns, indptr),
                           shape=(n_features, n_features), dtype=dtype),
        return bsr_matrix((all_blocks, columns, indptr),
                          shape=(n_features, n_features), dtype=dtype)

def _create_dense_precision(X, graph, n_features, n_features_per_vertex,
                            mode='concatenation', dtype=np.float32,
                            n_components=None, bias=0,
                            return_covariances=False, verbose=False):
    # check mode argument
    if mode not in ['concatenation', 'subtraction']:
        raise ValueError("mode must be either ''concatenation'' "
                         "or ''subtraction''; {} is given.".format(mode))

    # Initialize precision
    precision = np.zeros((n_features, n_features), dtype=dtype)
    if return_covariances:
        if mode == 'concatenation':
            cov_shape = (graph.n_edges,
                         2 * n_features_per_vertex, 2 * n_features_per_vertex)
            cov_shape = (graph.n_edges,
                         n_features_per_vertex, n_features_per_vertex)
        all_covariances = np.zeros(cov_shape, dtype=dtype)

    # Print information if asked
    if verbose:
        print_dynamic('Allocated precision matrix of size {}'.format(
        edges = print_progress(range(graph.n_edges), n_items=graph.n_edges,
                               prefix='Precision per edge',
        edges = range(graph.n_edges)

    # Compute covariance matrix for each edge, invert it and store it
    for e in edges:
        # edge vertices
        v1 = graph.edges[e, 0]
        v2 = graph.edges[e, 1]

        # find indices in data matrix
        v1_from = v1 * n_features_per_vertex
        v1_to = (v1 + 1) * n_features_per_vertex
        v2_from = v2 * n_features_per_vertex
        v2_to = (v2 + 1) * n_features_per_vertex

        # data concatenation
        if mode == 'concatenation':
            edge_data = X[:, list(range(v1_from, v1_to)) +
                             list(range(v2_from, v2_to))]
            edge_data = X[:, v1_from:v1_to] - X[:, v2_from:v2_to]

        # compute covariance matrix
        covmat = np.cov(edge_data, rowvar=0, bias=bias)
        if return_covariances:
            all_covariances[e] = covmat

        # invert it
        covmat = _covariance_matrix_inverse(covmat, n_components)

        # store it
        if mode == 'concatenation':
            # v1, v1
            precision[v1_from:v1_to, v1_from:v1_to] += \
                covmat[:n_features_per_vertex, :n_features_per_vertex]
            # v2, v2
            precision[v2_from:v2_to, v2_from:v2_to] += \
                covmat[n_features_per_vertex::, n_features_per_vertex::]
            # v1, v2
            precision[v1_from:v1_to, v2_from:v2_to] = \
                covmat[:n_features_per_vertex, n_features_per_vertex::]
            # v2, v1
            precision[v2_from:v2_to, v1_from:v1_to] = \
                covmat[n_features_per_vertex::, :n_features_per_vertex]
        elif mode == 'subtraction':
            # v1, v2
            precision[v1_from:v1_to, v2_from:v2_to] = -covmat
            # v2, v1
            precision[v2_from:v2_to, v1_from:v1_to] = -covmat
            # v1, v1
            precision[v1_from:v1_to, v1_from:v1_to] += covmat
            # v2, v2
            precision[v2_from:v2_to, v2_from:v2_to] += covmat

    # return covariances
    if return_covariances:
        return precision, all_covariances
        return precision

def _create_sparse_diagonal_precision(X, graph, n_features,
                                      dtype=np.float32, n_components=None,
                                      bias=0, return_covariances=False,
    # initialize covariances matrix
    all_blocks = np.zeros((graph.n_vertices,
                           n_features_per_vertex, n_features_per_vertex),
    if return_covariances:
        all_covariances = np.zeros(
            (graph.n_vertices, n_features_per_vertex, n_features_per_vertex),
    columns = np.zeros(graph.n_vertices)
    rows = np.zeros(graph.n_vertices)

    # Print information if asked
    if verbose:
        vertices = print_progress(
            range(graph.n_vertices), n_items=graph.n_vertices,
            prefix='Precision per vertex', end_with_newline=False)
        vertices = range(graph.n_vertices)

    # Compute covariance matrix for each patch
    for v in vertices:
        # find indices in target precision matrix
        i_from = v * n_features_per_vertex
        i_to = (v + 1) * n_features_per_vertex

        # compute covariance
        covmat = np.cov(X[:, i_from:i_to], rowvar=0, bias=bias)
        if return_covariances:
            all_covariances[v] = covmat

        # invert it
        all_blocks[v] = _covariance_matrix_inverse(covmat, n_components)

        # store the inverse covariance and its locations
        rows[v] = v
        columns[v] = v

    # sort rows, columns and all_blocks
    rows_arg_sort = rows.argsort()
    columns = columns[rows_arg_sort]
    all_blocks = all_blocks[rows_arg_sort]
    rows = rows[rows_arg_sort]

    # create indptr
    n_rows = graph.n_vertices
    indptr = np.zeros(n_rows + 1)
    for i in range(n_rows):
        inds, = np.where(rows == i)
        if inds.size == 0:
            indptr[i + 1] = indptr[i]
            indptr[i] = inds[0]
            indptr[i + 1] = inds[-1] + 1

    # create block sparse matrix
    if return_covariances:
        return (bsr_matrix((all_blocks, columns, indptr),
                           shape=(n_features, n_features), dtype=dtype),
        return bsr_matrix((all_blocks, columns, indptr),
                          shape=(n_features, n_features), dtype=dtype)

def _create_dense_diagonal_precision(X, graph, n_features,
                                     dtype=np.float32, n_components=None,
                                     bias=0, return_covariances=False,
    # Initialize precision
    precision = np.zeros((n_features, n_features), dtype=dtype)
    if return_covariances:
        all_covariances = np.zeros(
            (graph.n_vertices, n_features_per_vertex, n_features_per_vertex),
    if verbose:
        print_dynamic('Allocated precision matrix of size {}'.format(

    # Print information if asked
    if verbose:
        vertices = print_progress(
            range(graph.n_vertices), n_items=graph.n_vertices,
            prefix='Precision per vertex', end_with_newline=False)
        vertices = range(graph.n_vertices)

    # Compute covariance matrix for each patch
    for v in vertices:
        # find indices in target precision matrix
        i_from = v * n_features_per_vertex
        i_to = (v + 1) * n_features_per_vertex

        # compute covariance
        covmat = np.cov(X[:, i_from:i_to], rowvar=0, bias=bias)
        if return_covariances:
            all_covariances[v] = covmat

        # invert it
        covmat = _covariance_matrix_inverse(covmat, n_components)

        # insert to precision matrix
        precision[i_from:i_to, i_from:i_to] = covmat

    # return covariances
    if return_covariances:
        return precision, all_covariances
        return precision

def _increment_sparse_precision(X, mean_vector, covariances, n, graph,
                                n_features, n_features_per_vertex,
                                mode='concatenation', dtype=np.float32,
                                n_components=None, bias=0, verbose=False):
    # check mode argument
    if mode not in ['concatenation', 'subtraction']:
        raise ValueError("mode must be either ''concatenation'' "
                         "or ''subtraction''; {} is given.".format(mode))

    # Initialize arrays
    all_blocks = np.zeros((graph.n_edges * 4,
                           n_features_per_vertex, n_features_per_vertex),
    columns = np.zeros(graph.n_edges * 4)
    rows = np.zeros(graph.n_edges * 4)

    # Print information if asked
    if verbose:
        edges = print_progress(range(graph.n_edges), n_items=graph.n_edges,
                               prefix='Precision per edge',
        edges = range(graph.n_edges)

    # Compute covariance matrix for each edge, invert it and store it
    count = -1
    for e in edges:
        # edge vertices
        v1 = graph.edges[e, 0]
        v2 = graph.edges[e, 1]

        # find indices in data matrix
        v1_from = v1 * n_features_per_vertex
        v1_to = (v1 + 1) * n_features_per_vertex
        v2_from = v2 * n_features_per_vertex
        v2_to = (v2 + 1) * n_features_per_vertex

        # data concatenation
        if mode == 'concatenation':
            edge_data = X[:, list(range(v1_from, v1_to)) +
                             list(range(v2_from, v2_to))]
            m = mean_vector[list(range(v1_from, v1_to)) +
                            list(range(v2_from, v2_to))]
            edge_data = X[:, v1_from:v1_to] - X[:, v2_from:v2_to]
            m = mean_vector[v1_from:v1_to] - mean_vector[v2_from:v2_to]

        # increment
        _, covariances[e] = _increment_multivariate_gaussian_cov(
            edge_data, m, covariances[e], n, bias=bias)

        # invert it
        covmat = _covariance_matrix_inverse(covariances[e], n_components)

        # store it
        if mode == 'concatenation':
            # v1, v1
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = \
                covmat[:n_features_per_vertex, :n_features_per_vertex]
            rows[count] = v1
            columns[count] = v1
            # v2, v2
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = \
                covmat[n_features_per_vertex::, n_features_per_vertex::]
            rows[count] = v2
            columns[count] = v2
            # v1, v2
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = \
                covmat[:n_features_per_vertex, n_features_per_vertex::]
            rows[count] = v1
            columns[count] = v2
            # v2, v1
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = \
                covmat[n_features_per_vertex::, :n_features_per_vertex]
            rows[count] = v2
            columns[count] = v1
            # v1, v1
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = covmat
            rows[count] = v1
            columns[count] = v1
            # v2, v2
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = covmat
            rows[count] = v2
            columns[count] = v2
            # v1, v2
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = -covmat
            rows[count] = v1
            columns[count] = v2
            # v2, v1
            count += 1
            all_blocks[count] = -covmat
            rows[count] = v2
            columns[count] = v1

    # sort rows, columns and all_blocks
    rows_arg_sort = rows.argsort()
    columns = columns[rows_arg_sort]
    all_blocks = all_blocks[rows_arg_sort]
    rows = rows[rows_arg_sort]

    # create indptr
    n_rows = graph.n_vertices
    indptr = np.zeros(n_rows + 1)
    for i in range(n_rows):
        inds, = np.where(rows == i)
        if inds.size == 0:
            indptr[i + 1] = indptr[i]
            indptr[i] = inds[0]
            indptr[i + 1] = inds[-1] + 1

    # create block sparse matrix
    return (bsr_matrix((all_blocks, columns, indptr),
                       shape=(n_features, n_features), dtype=dtype),

def _increment_dense_precision(X, mean_vector, covariances, n, graph,
                               n_features, n_features_per_vertex,
                               mode='concatenation', dtype=np.float32,
                               n_components=None, bias=0, verbose=False):
    # check mode argument
    if mode not in ['concatenation', 'subtraction']:
        raise ValueError("mode must be either ''concatenation'' "
                         "or ''subtraction''; {} is given.".format(mode))

    # Initialize precision
    precision = np.zeros((n_features, n_features), dtype=dtype)

    # Print information if asked
    if verbose:
        print_dynamic('Allocated precision matrix of size {}'.format(
        edges = print_progress(range(graph.n_edges), n_items=graph.n_edges,
                               prefix='Precision per edge',
        edges = range(graph.n_edges)

    # Compute covariance matrix for each edge, invert it and store it
    for e in edges:
        # edge vertices
        v1 = graph.edges[e, 0]
        v2 = graph.edges[e, 1]

        # find indices in data matrix
        v1_from = v1 * n_features_per_vertex
        v1_to = (v1 + 1) * n_features_per_vertex
        v2_from = v2 * n_features_per_vertex
        v2_to = (v2 + 1) * n_features_per_vertex

        # data concatenation
        if mode == 'concatenation':
            edge_data = X[:, list(range(v1_from, v1_to)) +
                             list(range(v2_from, v2_to))]
            m = mean_vector[list(range(v1_from, v1_to)) +
                            list(range(v2_from, v2_to))]
            edge_data = X[:, v1_from:v1_to] - X[:, v2_from:v2_to]
            m = mean_vector[v1_from:v1_to] - mean_vector[v2_from:v2_to]

        # increment
        _, covariances[e] = _increment_multivariate_gaussian_cov(
            edge_data, m, covariances[e], n, bias=bias)

        # invert it
        covmat = _covariance_matrix_inverse(covariances[e], n_components)

        # store it
        if mode == 'concatenation':
            # v1, v1
            precision[v1_from:v1_to, v1_from:v1_to] += \
                covmat[:n_features_per_vertex, :n_features_per_vertex]
            # v2, v2
            precision[v2_from:v2_to, v2_from:v2_to] += \
                covmat[n_features_per_vertex::, n_features_per_vertex::]
            # v1, v2
            precision[v1_from:v1_to, v2_from:v2_to] = \
                covmat[:n_features_per_vertex, n_features_per_vertex::]
            # v2, v1
            precision[v2_from:v2_to, v1_from:v1_to] = \
                covmat[n_features_per_vertex::, :n_features_per_vertex]
        elif mode == 'subtraction':
            # v1, v2
            precision[v1_from:v1_to, v2_from:v2_to] = -covmat
            # v2, v1
            precision[v2_from:v2_to, v1_from:v1_to] = -covmat
            # v1, v1
            precision[v1_from:v1_to, v1_from:v1_to] += covmat
            # v2, v2
            precision[v2_from:v2_to, v2_from:v2_to] += covmat

    # return covariances
    return precision, covariances

def _increment_sparse_diagonal_precision(X, mean_vector, covariances, n, graph,
                                         n_features, n_features_per_vertex,
                                         dtype=np.float32, n_components=None,
                                         bias=0, verbose=False):
    # initialize covariances matrix
    all_blocks = np.zeros((graph.n_vertices,
                           n_features_per_vertex, n_features_per_vertex),
    columns = np.zeros(graph.n_vertices)
    rows = np.zeros(graph.n_vertices)

    # Print information if asked
    if verbose:
        vertices = print_progress(
            range(graph.n_vertices), n_items=graph.n_vertices,
            prefix='Precision per vertex', end_with_newline=False)
        vertices = range(graph.n_vertices)

    # Compute covariance matrix for each patch
    for v in vertices:
        # find indices in target precision matrix
        i_from = v * n_features_per_vertex
        i_to = (v + 1) * n_features_per_vertex

        # get data
        edge_data = X[:, i_from:i_to]
        m = mean_vector[i_from:i_to]

        # increment
        _, covariances[v] = _increment_multivariate_gaussian_cov(
            edge_data, m, covariances[v], n, bias=bias)

        # invert it
        all_blocks[v] = _covariance_matrix_inverse(covariances[v], n_components)

        # store the inverse covariance and its locations
        rows[v] = v
        columns[v] = v

    # sort rows, columns and all_blocks
    rows_arg_sort = rows.argsort()
    columns = columns[rows_arg_sort]
    all_blocks = all_blocks[rows_arg_sort]
    rows = rows[rows_arg_sort]

    # create indptr
    n_rows = graph.n_vertices
    indptr = np.zeros(n_rows + 1)
    for i in range(n_rows):
        inds, = np.where(rows == i)
        if inds.size == 0:
            indptr[i + 1] = indptr[i]
            indptr[i] = inds[0]
            indptr[i + 1] = inds[-1] + 1

    # create block sparse matrix
    return (bsr_matrix((all_blocks, columns, indptr),
                       shape=(n_features, n_features), dtype=dtype),

def _increment_dense_diagonal_precision(X, mean_vector, covariances, n, graph,
                                        n_features, n_features_per_vertex,
                                        dtype=np.float32, n_components=None,
                                        bias=0, verbose=False):
    # Initialize precision
    precision = np.zeros((n_features, n_features), dtype=dtype)

    # Print information if asked
    if verbose:
        print_dynamic('Allocated precision matrix of size {}'.format(
        vertices = print_progress(
            range(graph.n_vertices), n_items=graph.n_vertices,
            prefix='Precision per vertex', end_with_newline=False)
        vertices = range(graph.n_vertices)

    # Compute covariance matrix for each patch
    for v in vertices:
        # find indices in target precision matrix
        i_from = v * n_features_per_vertex
        i_to = (v + 1) * n_features_per_vertex

        # get data
        edge_data = X[:, i_from:i_to]
        m = mean_vector[i_from:i_to]

        # increment
        _, covariances[v] = _increment_multivariate_gaussian_cov(
            edge_data, m, covariances[v], n, bias=bias)

        # invert it
        precision[i_from:i_to, i_from:i_to] = _covariance_matrix_inverse(
            covariances[v], n_components)

    # return covariances
    return precision, covariances

def _increment_multivariate_gaussian_mean(X, m, n):
    # Get new number of samples
    new_n = X.shape[0]

    # Update mean vector
    # m_{new} = (n m + \sum_{i=1}^{n_{new}} x_i) / (n + n_{new})
    # where: m       -> old mean vector
    #        n_{new} -> new number of samples
    #        n       -> old number of samples
    #        x_i     -> new data vectors
    return (n * m + np.sum(X, axis=0)) / (n + new_n)

def _increment_multivariate_gaussian_cov(X, m, S, n, bias=0):
    # Get new number of samples
    new_n = X.shape[0]

    # Update mean vector
    # m_{new} = (n m + \sum_{i=1}^{n_{new}} x_i) / (n + n_{new})
    # where: m_{new} -> new mean vector
    #        m       -> old mean vector
    #        n_{new} -> new number of samples
    #        n       -> old number of samples
    #        x_i     -> new data vectors
    new_m = _increment_multivariate_gaussian_mean(X, m, n)

    # Select the normalization value
    if bias == 1:
        k = n
    elif bias == 0:
        k = n - 1
        raise ValueError("bias must be either 0 or 1")

    # Update covariance matrix
    # S__{new} = (k S + n m^T m + X^T X - (n + n_{new}) m_{new}^T m_{new})
    #                                                            / (k + n_{new})
    m1 = n * m[None, :][None, :])
    m2 = (n + new_n) * new_m[None, :][None, :])
    new_S = (k * S + m1 + - m2) / (k + new_n)

    return new_m, new_S

[docs]class GMRFVectorModel(object): r""" Trains a Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF). Parameters ---------- samples : `ndarray` or `list` or `iterable` of `ndarray` List or iterable of numpy arrays to build the model from, or an existing data matrix. graph : :map:`UndirectedGraph` or :map:`DirectedGraph` or :map:`Tree` The graph that defines the relations between the features. n_samples : `int`, optional If provided then ``samples`` must be an iterator that yields ``n_samples``. If not provided then samples has to be a `list` (so we know how large the data matrix needs to be). mode : ``{'concatenation', 'subtraction'}``, optional Defines the feature vector of each edge. Assuming that :math:`\mathbf{x}_i` and :math:`\mathbf{x}_j` are the feature vectors of two adjacent vertices (:math:`i,j:(v_i,v_j)\in E`), then the edge's feature vector in the case of ``'concatenation'`` is .. math:: \left[{\mathbf{x}_i}^T, {\mathbf{x}_j}^T\right]^T and in the case of ``'subtraction'`` .. math:: \mathbf{x}_i - \mathbf{x}_j n_components : `int` or ``None``, optional When ``None`` (default), the covariance matrix of each edge is inverted using `np.linalg.inv`. If `int`, it is inverted using truncated SVD using the specified number of compnents. dtype : `numpy.dtype`, optional The data type of the GMRF's precision matrix. For example, it can be set to `numpy.float32` for single precision or to `numpy.float64` for double precision. Depending on the size of the precision matrix, this option can you a lot of memory. sparse : `bool`, optional When ``True``, the GMRF's precision matrix has type `scipy.sparse.bsr_matrix`, otherwise it is a `numpy.array`. bias : `int`, optional Default normalization is by ``(N - 1)``, where ``N`` is the number of observations given (unbiased estimate). If `bias` is 1, then normalization is by ``N``. These values can be overridden by using the keyword ``ddof`` in numpy versions >= 1.5. incremental : `bool`, optional This argument must be set to ``True`` in case the user wants to incrementally update the GMRF. Note that if ``True``, the model occupies 2x memory. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the progress of the model's training is printed. Notes ----- Let us denote a graph as :math:`G=(V,E)`, where :math:`V=\{v_i,v_2,\ldots, v_{|V|}\}` is the set of :math:`|V|` vertices and there is an edge :math:`(v_i,v_j)\in E` for each pair of connected vertices. Let us also assume that we have a set of random variables :math:`X=\{X_i\}, \forall i:v_i\in V`, which represent an abstract feature vector of length :math:`k` extracted from each vertex :math:`v_i`, i.e. :math:`\mathbf{x}_i,i:v_i\in V`. A GMRF is described by an undirected graph, where the vertexes stand for random variables and the edges impose statistical constraints on these random variables. Thus, the GMRF models the set of random variables with a multivariate normal distribution .. math:: p(X=\mathbf{x}|G)\sim\mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu},\boldsymbol{\Sigma}) We denote by :math:`\mathbf{Q}` the block-sparse precision matrix that is the inverse of the covariance matrix :math:`\boldsymbol{\Sigma}`, i.e. :math:`\mathbf{Q}=\boldsymbol{\Sigma}^{-1}`. By applying the GMRF we make the assumption that the random variables satisfy the three Markov properties (pairwise, local and global) and that the blocks of the precision matrix that correspond to disjoint vertexes are zero, i.e. .. math:: \mathbf{Q}_{ij}=\mathbf{0}_{k\times k},\forall i,j:(v_i,v_j)\notin E References ---------- .. [1] H. Rue, and L. Held. "Gaussian Markov random fields: theory and applications," CRC Press, 2005. .. [2] E. Antonakos, J. Alabort-i-Medina, and S. Zafeiriou. "Active Pictorial Structures", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Boston, MA, USA, pp. 5435-5444, June 2015. """ def __init__(self, samples, graph, n_samples=None, mode='concatenation', n_components=None, dtype=np.float64, sparse=True, bias=0, incremental=False, verbose=False): # Generate data matrix # (n_samples, n_features) data, self.n_samples = self._data_to_matrix(samples, n_samples) # n_features and n_features_per_vertex self.n_features = data.shape[1] self.n_features_per_vertex = int(self.n_features / graph.n_vertices) # Assign arguments self.graph = graph self.mode = mode self.n_components = n_components self.sparse = sparse self.dtype = dtype self.bias = bias self.is_incremental = incremental # Compute mean vector self.mean_vector = np.mean(data, axis=0) # Select correct method to create the precision matrix based on the # graph type and the sparse flag if self.graph.n_edges == 0: if self.sparse: constructor = _create_sparse_diagonal_precision else: constructor = _create_dense_diagonal_precision else: if self.sparse: constructor = partial(_create_sparse_precision, mode=self.mode) else: constructor = partial(_create_dense_precision, mode=self.mode) # Create the precision matrix and optionally store the covariance # matrices if self.is_incremental: self.precision, self._covariance_matrices = constructor( data, self.graph, self.n_features, self.n_features_per_vertex, dtype=self.dtype, n_components=self.n_components, bias=self.bias, return_covariances=self.is_incremental, verbose=verbose) else: self._covariance_matrices = None self.precision = constructor( data, self.graph, self.n_features, self.n_features_per_vertex, dtype=self.dtype, n_components=self.n_components, bias=self.bias, return_covariances=self.is_incremental, verbose=verbose) def _data_to_matrix(self, data, n_samples): # build a data matrix from all the samples if n_samples is None: n_samples = len(data) # Assumed data is ndarray of (n_samples, n_features) or list of samples if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): # Make sure we have an array, slice of the number of requested # samples data = np.array(data)[:n_samples] return data, n_samples
[docs] def mean(self): r""" Return the mean of the model. For this model, returns the same result as ``mean_vector``. :type: `ndarray` """ return self.mean_vector
[docs] def increment(self, samples, n_samples=None, verbose=False): r""" Update the mean and precision matrix of the GMRF by updating the distributions of all the edges. Parameters ---------- samples : `ndarray` or `list` or `iterable` of `ndarray` List or iterable of numpy arrays to build the model from, or an existing data matrix. n_samples : `int`, optional If provided then ``samples`` must be an iterator that yields ``n_samples``. If not provided then samples has to be a list (so we know how large the data matrix needs to be). verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the progress of the model's incremental update is printed. """ # Check if it can be incrementally updated if not self.is_incremental: raise ValueError('GMRF cannot be incrementally updated.') # Build a data matrix from the new samples data, _ = self._data_to_matrix(samples, n_samples) # Increment the model self._increment(data=data, verbose=verbose)
def _increment(self, data, verbose): # Empty memory self.precision = 0 # Select correct method to create the precision matrix based on the # graph type and the sparse flag if self.graph.n_edges == 0: if self.sparse: constructor = _increment_sparse_diagonal_precision else: constructor = _increment_dense_diagonal_precision else: if self.sparse: constructor = partial(_increment_sparse_precision, mode=self.mode) else: constructor = partial(_increment_dense_precision, mode=self.mode) # Create the precision matrix and optionally store the covariance # matrices self.precision, self._covariance_matrices = constructor( data, self.mean_vector, self._covariance_matrices, self.n_samples, self.graph, self.n_features, self.n_features_per_vertex, dtype=self.dtype, n_components=self.n_components, bias=self.bias, verbose=verbose) # Update mean and number of samples self.mean_vector = _increment_multivariate_gaussian_mean( data, self.mean_vector, self.n_samples) self.n_samples += data.shape[0]
[docs] def mahalanobis_distance(self, samples, subtract_mean=True, square_root=False): r""" Compute the mahalanobis distance given a sample :math:`\mathbf{x}` or an array of samples :math:`\mathbf{X}`, i.e. .. math:: \sqrt{(\mathbf{x}-\boldsymbol{\mu})^T \mathbf{Q} (\mathbf{x}-\boldsymbol{\mu})} \text{ or } \sqrt{(\mathbf{X}-\boldsymbol{\mu})^T \mathbf{Q} (\mathbf{X}-\boldsymbol{\mu})} Parameters ---------- samples : `ndarray` A single data vector or an array of multiple data vectors. subtract_mean : `bool`, optional When ``True``, the mean vector is subtracted from the data vector. square_root : `bool`, optional If ``False``, the mahalanobis distance gets squared. """ samples, _ = self._data_to_matrix(samples, None) if len(samples.shape) == 1: samples = samples[..., None].T return self._mahalanobis_distance(samples=samples, subtract_mean=subtract_mean, square_root=square_root)
def _mahalanobis_distance(self, samples, subtract_mean, square_root): # we assume that samples is an ndarray of n_samples x n_features # create data matrix if subtract_mean: n_samples = samples.shape[0] samples = samples - np.tile(self.mean_vector[..., None], n_samples).T # make sure we have the correct data type if self.sparse: samples = bsr_matrix(samples) # compute mahalanobis per sample if self.sparse: # if sparse, unfortunately the einstein sum is not implemented d = d = np.diag(d.todense()) else: # if dense, then the einstein sum is much faster d = np.einsum('ij,ij->i',, self.precision), samples) # if only one sample, then return a scalar if d.shape[0] == 1: d = d[0] # square root if square_root: return np.sqrt(d) else: return d
[docs] def principal_components_analysis(self, max_n_components=None): r""" Returns a :map:`PCAVectorModel` with the Principal Components. Note that the eigenvalue decomposition is applied directly on the precision matrix and then the eigenvalues are inverted. Parameters ---------- max_n_components : `int` or ``None``, optional The maximum number of principal components. If ``None``, all the components are returned. Returns ------- pca : :map:`PCAVectorModel` The PCA model. """ from .pca import PCAVectorModel return PCAVectorModel.init_from_covariance_matrix( C=self.precision, mean=self.mean_vector, n_samples=self.n_samples, centred=True, is_inverse=True, max_n_components=max_n_components)
@property def _str_title(self): r""" Returns a string containing the name of the model. :type: `str` """ tmp = 'a' if isinstance(self.graph, UndirectedGraph): tmp = 'an' return "GMRF model on {} {}".format(tmp, self.graph) def __str__(self): incremental_str = (' - Can be incrementally updated.' if self.is_incremental else ' - Cannot be ' 'incrementally updated.') svd_str = (' - # SVD components: {}'.format(self.n_components) if self.n_components is not None else ' - No ' 'SVD used.') _Q_sparse = 'scipy.sparse' if self.sparse else 'numpy.array' q_str = ' - Q is stored as {} with {} precision'.format( _Q_sparse, name_of_callable(self.dtype)) mode_str = ('concatenated' if self.mode == 'concatenation' else 'subtracted') str_out = 'Gaussian MRF Model \n' \ ' - {}\n' \ ' - The data of the vertexes of each edge are {}.\n' \ '{}\n' \ ' - # variables (vertexes): {}\n' \ ' - # features per variable: {}\n' \ ' - # features in total: {}\n' \ '{}\n' \ ' - # samples: {}\n' \ '{}\n'.format( self.graph.__str__(), mode_str, q_str, self.graph.n_vertices, self.n_features_per_vertex, self.n_features, svd_str, self.n_samples, incremental_str) return str_out
[docs]class GMRFModel(GMRFVectorModel): r""" Trains a Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF). Parameters ---------- samples : `list` or `iterable` of :map:`Vectorizable` List or iterable of samples to build the model from. graph : :map:`UndirectedGraph` or :map:`DirectedGraph` or :map:`Tree` The graph that defines the relations between the features. n_samples : `int`, optional If provided then ``samples`` must be an iterator that yields ``n_samples``. If not provided then samples has to be a `list` (so we know how large the data matrix needs to be). mode : ``{'concatenation', 'subtraction'}``, optional Defines the feature vector of each edge. Assuming that :math:`\mathbf{x}_i` and :math:`\mathbf{x}_j` are the feature vectors of two adjacent vertices (:math:`i,j:(v_i,v_j)\in E`), then the edge's feature vector in the case of ``'concatenation'`` is .. math:: \left[{\mathbf{x}_i}^T, {\mathbf{x}_j}^T\right]^T and in the case of ``'subtraction'`` .. math:: \mathbf{x}_i - \mathbf{x}_j n_components : `int` or ``None``, optional When ``None`` (default), the covariance matrix of each edge is inverted using `np.linalg.inv`. If `int`, it is inverted using truncated SVD using the specified number of compnents. dtype : `numpy.dtype`, optional The data type of the GMRF's precision matrix. For example, it can be set to `numpy.float32` for single precision or to `numpy.float64` for double precision. Depending on the size of the precision matrix, this option can you a lot of memory. sparse : `bool`, optional When ``True``, the GMRF's precision matrix has type `scipy.sparse.bsr_matrix`, otherwise it is a `numpy.array`. bias : `int`, optional Default normalization is by ``(N - 1)``, where ``N`` is the number of observations given (unbiased estimate). If `bias` is 1, then normalization is by ``N``. These values can be overridden by using the keyword ``ddof`` in numpy versions >= 1.5. incremental : `bool`, optional This argument must be set to ``True`` in case the user wants to incrementally update the GMRF. Note that if ``True``, the model occupies 2x memory. verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the progress of the model's training is printed. Notes ----- Let us denote a graph as :math:`G=(V,E)`, where :math:`V=\{v_i,v_2,\ldots, v_{|V|}\}` is the set of :math:`|V|` vertices and there is an edge :math:`(v_i,v_j)\in E` for each pair of connected vertices. Let us also assume that we have a set of random variables :math:`X=\{X_i\}, \forall i:v_i\in V`, which represent an abstract feature vector of length :math:`k` extracted from each vertex :math:`v_i`, i.e. :math:`\mathbf{x}_i,i:v_i\in V`. A GMRF is described by an undirected graph, where the vertexes stand for random variables and the edges impose statistical constraints on these random variables. Thus, the GMRF models the set of random variables with a multivariate normal distribution .. math:: p(X=\mathbf{x}|G)\sim\mathcal{N}(\boldsymbol{\mu},\boldsymbol{\Sigma}) We denote by :math:`\mathbf{Q}` the block-sparse precision matrix that is the inverse of the covariance matrix :math:`\boldsymbol{\Sigma}`, i.e. :math:`\mathbf{Q}=\boldsymbol{\Sigma}^{-1}`. By applying the GMRF we make the assumption that the random variables satisfy the three Markov properties (pairwise, local and global) and that the blocks of the precision matrix that correspond to disjoint vertexes are zero, i.e. .. math:: \mathbf{Q}_{ij}=\mathbf{0}_{k\times k},\forall i,j:(v_i,v_j)\notin E References ---------- .. [1] H. Rue, and L. Held. "Gaussian Markov random fields: theory and applications," CRC Press, 2005. .. [2] E. Antonakos, J. Alabort-i-Medina, and S. Zafeiriou. "Active Pictorial Structures", IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Boston, MA, USA, pp. 5435-5444, June 2015. """ def __init__(self, samples, graph, mode='concatenation', n_components=None, dtype=np.float64, sparse=True, n_samples=None, bias=0, incremental=False, verbose=False): # Build a data matrix from all the samples data, self.template_instance = as_matrix( samples, length=n_samples, return_template=True, verbose=verbose) n_samples = data.shape[0] GMRFVectorModel.__init__(self, data, graph, mode=mode, n_components=n_components, dtype=dtype, sparse=sparse, n_samples=n_samples, bias=bias, incremental=incremental, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def mean(self): r""" Return the mean of the model. :type: :map:`Vectorizable` """ return self.template_instance.from_vector(self.mean_vector)
[docs] def increment(self, samples, n_samples=None, verbose=False): r""" Update the mean and precision matrix of the GMRF by updating the distributions of all the edges. Parameters ---------- samples : `list` or `iterable` of :map:`Vectorizable` List or iterable of samples to build the model from. n_samples : `int`, optional If provided then ``samples`` must be an iterator that yields ``n_samples``. If not provided then samples has to be a list (so we know how large the data matrix needs to be). verbose : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the progress of the model's incremental update is printed. """ # Check if it can be incrementally updated if not self.is_incremental: raise ValueError('GMRF cannot be incrementally updated.') # Build a data matrix from the new samples data = as_matrix(samples, length=n_samples, verbose=verbose) # Increment the model self._increment(data=data, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def mahalanobis_distance(self, samples, subtract_mean=True, square_root=False): r""" Compute the mahalanobis distance given a sample :math:`\mathbf{x}` or an array of samples :math:`\mathbf{X}`, i.e. .. math:: \sqrt{(\mathbf{x}-\boldsymbol{\mu})^T \mathbf{Q} (\mathbf{x}-\boldsymbol{\mu})} \text{ or } \sqrt{(\mathbf{X}-\boldsymbol{\mu})^T \mathbf{Q} (\mathbf{X}-\boldsymbol{\mu})} Parameters ---------- samples : :map:`Vectorizable` or `list` of :map:`Vectorizable` The new data sample or a list of samples. subtract_mean : `bool`, optional When ``True``, the mean vector is subtracted from the data vector. square_root : `bool`, optional If ``False``, the mahalanobis distance gets squared. """ if isinstance(samples, list): samples = as_matrix(samples, length=None, return_template=False, verbose=False) else: samples = samples.as_vector()[..., None].T return self._mahalanobis_distance(samples=samples, subtract_mean=subtract_mean, square_root=square_root)
[docs] def principal_components_analysis(self, max_n_components=None): r""" Returns a :map:`PCAModel` with the Principal Components. Note that the eigenvalue decomposition is applied directly on the precision matrix and then the eigenvalues are inverted. Parameters ---------- max_n_components : `int` or ``None``, optional The maximum number of principal components. If ``None``, all the components are returned. Returns ------- pca : :map:`PCAModel` The PCA model. """ from .pca import PCAModel return PCAModel.init_from_covariance_matrix( C=self.precision, mean=self.mean(), n_samples=self.n_samples, centred=True, is_inverse=True, max_n_components=max_n_components)