Source code for menpo.shape.pointcloud

import numpy as np
from warnings import warn
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from menpo.shape.base import Shape

def bounding_box(closest_to_origin, opposite_corner):
    Return a bounding box from two corner points as a directed graph.
    The the first point (0) should be nearest the origin.
    In the case of an image, this ordering would appear as:


        |   ^
        |   |
        v   |

    In the case of a pointcloud, the ordering will appear as:


        |   ^
        |   |
        v   |

    closest_to_origin : (`float`, `float`)
        Two floats representing the coordinates closest to the origin.
        Represented by (0) in the graph above. For an image, this will
        be the top left. For a pointcloud, this will be the bottom left.
    opposite_corner  : (`float`, `float`)
        Two floats representing the coordinates opposite the corner closest
        to the origin.
        Represented by (2) in the graph above. For an image, this will
        be the bottom right. For a pointcloud, this will be the top right.

    bounding_box : :map:`PointDirectedGraph`
        The axis aligned bounding box from the two given corners.
    from .graph import PointDirectedGraph

    if len(closest_to_origin) != 2 or len(opposite_corner) != 2:
        raise ValueError('Only 2D bounding boxes can be created.')

    adjacency_matrix = csr_matrix(([1] * 4, ([0, 1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3, 0])),
                                  shape=(4, 4))
    box = np.array([closest_to_origin,
                    [opposite_corner[0], closest_to_origin[1]],
                    [closest_to_origin[0], opposite_corner[1]]], dtype=np.float)
    return PointDirectedGraph(box, adjacency_matrix, copy=False)

[docs]class PointCloud(Shape): r""" An N-dimensional point cloud. This is internally represented as an `ndarray` of shape ``(n_points, n_dims)``. This class is important for dealing with complex functionality such as viewing and representing metadata such as landmarks. Currently only 2D and 3D pointclouds are viewable. Parameters ---------- points : ``(n_points, n_dims)`` `ndarray` The array representing the points. copy : `bool`, optional If ``False``, the points will not be copied on assignment. Note that this will miss out on additional checks. Further note that we still demand that the array is C-contiguous - if it isn't, a copy will be generated anyway. In general this should only be used if you know what you are doing. """ def __init__(self, points, copy=True): super(PointCloud, self).__init__() if not copy: if not points.flags.c_contiguous: warn('The copy flag was NOT honoured. A copy HAS been made. ' 'Please ensure the data you pass is C-contiguous.') points = np.array(points, copy=True, order='C') else: points = np.array(points, copy=True, order='C') self.points = points @property def n_points(self): r""" The number of points in the pointcloud. :type: `int` """ return self.points.shape[0] @property def n_dims(self): r""" The number of dimensions in the pointcloud. :type: `int` """ return self.points.shape[1]
[docs] def h_points(self): r""" Convert poincloud to a homogeneous array: ``(n_dims + 1, n_points)`` :type: ``type(self)`` """ return np.concatenate((self.points.T, np.ones(self.n_points)[None, :]))
[docs] def centre(self): r""" The mean of all the points in this PointCloud (centre of mass). Returns ------- centre : ``(n_dims)`` `ndarray` The mean of this PointCloud's points. """ return np.mean(self.points, axis=0)
[docs] def centre_of_bounds(self): r""" The centre of the absolute bounds of this PointCloud. Contrast with :meth:`centre`, which is the mean point position. Returns ------- centre : ``n_dims`` `ndarray` The centre of the bounds of this PointCloud. """ min_b, max_b = self.bounds() return (min_b + max_b) / 2
def _as_vector(self): r""" Returns a flattened representation of the pointcloud. Note that the flattened representation is of the form ``[x0, y0, x1, y1, ....., xn, yn]`` for 2D. Returns ------- flattened : ``(n_points,)`` `ndarray` The flattened points. """ return self.points.ravel()
[docs] def tojson(self): r""" Convert this :map:`PointCloud` to a dictionary representation suitable for inclusion in the LJSON landmark format. Returns ------- json : `dict` Dictionary with ``points`` keys. """ return {'points': self.points.tolist()}
[docs] def from_vector_inplace(self, vector): r""" Updates the points of this PointCloud in-place with the reshaped points from the provided vector. Note that the vector should have the form ``[x0, y0, x1, y1, ....., xn, yn]`` for 2D. Parameters ---------- vector : ``(n_points,)`` `ndarray` The vector from which to create the points' array. """ self.points = vector.reshape([-1, self.n_dims])
def __str__(self): return '{}: n_points: {}, n_dims: {}'.format(type(self).__name__, self.n_points, self.n_dims)
[docs] def bounds(self, boundary=0): r""" The minimum to maximum extent of the PointCloud. An optional boundary argument can be provided to expand the bounds by a constant margin. Parameters ---------- boundary : `float` A optional padding distance that is added to the bounds. Default is ``0``, meaning the max/min of tightest possible containing square/cube/hypercube is returned. Returns ------- min_b : ``(n_dims,)`` `ndarray` The minimum extent of the :map:`PointCloud` and boundary along each dimension max_b : ``(n_dims,)`` `ndarray` The maximum extent of the :map:`PointCloud` and boundary along each dimension """ min_b = np.min(self.points, axis=0) - boundary max_b = np.max(self.points, axis=0) + boundary return min_b, max_b
[docs] def range(self, boundary=0): r""" The range of the extent of the PointCloud. Parameters ---------- boundary : `float` A optional padding distance that is used to extend the bounds from which the range is computed. Default is ``0``, no extension is performed. Returns ------- range : ``(n_dims,)`` `ndarray` The range of the :map:`PointCloud` extent in each dimension. """ min_b, max_b = self.bounds(boundary) return max_b - min_b
[docs] def bounding_box(self): r""" Return a bounding box from two corner points as a directed graph. The the first point (0) should be nearest the origin. In the case of an image, this ordering would appear as: :: 0<--3 | ^ | | v | 1-->2 In the case of a pointcloud, the ordering will appear as: :: 3<--2 | ^ | | v | 0-->1 Returns ------- bounding_box : :map:`PointDirectedGraph` The axis aligned bounding box of the PointCloud. """ if self.n_dims != 2: raise ValueError('Bounding boxes are only supported for 2D ' 'pointclouds.') min_p, max_p = self.bounds() return bounding_box(min_p, max_p)
[docs] def _view_2d(self, figure_id=None, new_figure=False, image_view=True, render_markers=True, marker_style='o', marker_size=20, marker_face_colour='r', marker_edge_colour='k', marker_edge_width=1., render_axes=True, axes_font_name='sans-serif', axes_font_size=10, axes_font_style='normal', axes_font_weight='normal', axes_x_limits=None, axes_y_limits=None, figure_size=(10, 8), label=None, **kwargs): r""" Visualization of the PointCloud in 2D. Returns ------- figure_id : `object`, optional The id of the figure to be used. new_figure : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a new figure is created. image_view : `bool`, optional If ``True`` the PointCloud will be viewed as if it is in the image coordinate system. render_lines : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the edges will be rendered. line_colour : See Below, optional The colour of the lines. Example options:: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray line_style : ``{-, --, -., :}``, optional The style of the lines. line_width : `float`, optional The width of the lines. render_markers : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the markers will be rendered. marker_style : See Below, optional The style of the markers. Example options :: {., ,, o, v, ^, <, >, +, x, D, d, s, p, *, h, H, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8} marker_size : `int`, optional The size of the markers in points^2. marker_face_colour : See Below, optional The face (filling) colour of the markers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray marker_edge_colour : See Below, optional The edge colour of the markers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray marker_edge_width : `float`, optional The width of the markers' edge. render_axes : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the axes will be rendered. axes_font_name : See Below, optional The font of the axes. Example options :: {serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace} axes_font_size : `int`, optional The font size of the axes. axes_font_style : {``normal``, ``italic``, ``oblique``}, optional The font style of the axes. axes_font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight of the axes. Example options :: {ultralight, light, normal, regular, book, medium, roman, semibold, demibold, demi, bold, heavy, extra bold, black} axes_x_limits : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None``, optional The limits of the x axis. axes_y_limits : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None``, optional The limits of the y axis. figure_size : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None``, optional The size of the figure in inches. label : `str`, optional The name entry in case of a legend. Returns ------- viewer : :map:`PointGraphViewer2d` The viewer object. """ from menpo.visualize.base import PointGraphViewer2d adjacency_array = np.empty(0) renderer = PointGraphViewer2d(figure_id, new_figure, self.points, adjacency_array) renderer.render( image_view=image_view, render_lines=False, line_colour='b', line_style='-', line_width=1., render_markers=render_markers, marker_style=marker_style, marker_size=marker_size, marker_face_colour=marker_face_colour, marker_edge_colour=marker_edge_colour, marker_edge_width=marker_edge_width, render_axes=render_axes, axes_font_name=axes_font_name, axes_font_size=axes_font_size, axes_font_style=axes_font_style, axes_font_weight=axes_font_weight, axes_x_limits=axes_x_limits, axes_y_limits=axes_y_limits, figure_size=figure_size, label=label) return renderer
[docs] def _view_landmarks_2d(self, group=None, with_labels=None, without_labels=None, figure_id=None, new_figure=False, image_view=True, render_lines=True, line_colour=None, line_style='-', line_width=1, render_markers=True, marker_style='o', marker_size=20, marker_face_colour=None, marker_edge_colour=None, marker_edge_width=1., render_numbering=False, numbers_horizontal_align='center', numbers_vertical_align='bottom', numbers_font_name='sans-serif', numbers_font_size=10, numbers_font_style='normal', numbers_font_weight='normal', numbers_font_colour='k', render_legend=False, legend_title='', legend_font_name='sans-serif', legend_font_style='normal', legend_font_size=10, legend_font_weight='normal', legend_marker_scale=None, legend_location=2, legend_bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.), legend_border_axes_pad=None, legend_n_columns=1, legend_horizontal_spacing=None, legend_vertical_spacing=None, legend_border=True, legend_border_padding=None, legend_shadow=False, legend_rounded_corners=False, render_axes=False, axes_font_name='sans-serif', axes_font_size=10, axes_font_style='normal', axes_font_weight='normal', axes_x_limits=None, axes_y_limits=None, figure_size=(10, 8)): """ Visualize the landmarks. This method will appear on the Image as ``view_landmarks`` if the Image is 2D. Parameters ---------- group : `str` or``None`` optional The landmark group to be visualized. If ``None`` and there are more than one landmark groups, an error is raised. with_labels : ``None`` or `str` or `list` of `str`, optional If not ``None``, only show the given label(s). Should **not** be used with the ``without_labels`` kwarg. without_labels : ``None`` or `str` or `list` of `str`, optional If not ``None``, show all except the given label(s). Should **not** be used with the ``with_labels`` kwarg. figure_id : `object`, optional The id of the figure to be used. new_figure : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a new figure is created. image_view : `bool`, optional If ``True`` the PointCloud will be viewed as if it is in the image coordinate system. render_lines : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the edges will be rendered. line_colour : See Below, optional The colour of the lines. Example options:: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray line_style : ``{-, --, -., :}``, optional The style of the lines. line_width : `float`, optional The width of the lines. render_markers : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the markers will be rendered. marker_style : See Below, optional The style of the markers. Example options :: {., ,, o, v, ^, <, >, +, x, D, d, s, p, *, h, H, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8} marker_size : `int`, optional The size of the markers in points^2. marker_face_colour : See Below, optional The face (filling) colour of the markers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray marker_edge_colour : See Below, optional The edge colour of the markers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray marker_edge_width : `float`, optional The width of the markers' edge. render_numbering : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the landmarks will be numbered. numbers_horizontal_align : ``{center, right, left}``, optional The horizontal alignment of the numbers' texts. numbers_vertical_align : ``{center, top, bottom, baseline}``, optional The vertical alignment of the numbers' texts. numbers_font_name : See Below, optional The font of the numbers. Example options :: {serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace} numbers_font_size : `int`, optional The font size of the numbers. numbers_font_style : ``{normal, italic, oblique}``, optional The font style of the numbers. numbers_font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight of the numbers. Example options :: {ultralight, light, normal, regular, book, medium, roman, semibold, demibold, demi, bold, heavy, extra bold, black} numbers_font_colour : See Below, optional The font colour of the numbers. Example options :: {r, g, b, c, m, k, w} or (3, ) ndarray render_legend : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the legend will be rendered. legend_title : `str`, optional The title of the legend. legend_font_name : See below, optional The font of the legend. Example options :: {serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace} legend_font_style : ``{normal, italic, oblique}``, optional The font style of the legend. legend_font_size : `int`, optional The font size of the legend. legend_font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight of the legend. Example options :: {ultralight, light, normal, regular, book, medium, roman, semibold, demibold, demi, bold, heavy, extra bold, black} legend_marker_scale : `float`, optional The relative size of the legend markers with respect to the original legend_location : `int`, optional The location of the legend. The predefined values are: =============== == 'best' 0 'upper right' 1 'upper left' 2 'lower left' 3 'lower right' 4 'right' 5 'center left' 6 'center right' 7 'lower center' 8 'upper center' 9 'center' 10 =============== == legend_bbox_to_anchor : (`float`, `float`) `tuple`, optional The bbox that the legend will be anchored. legend_border_axes_pad : `float`, optional The pad between the axes and legend border. legend_n_columns : `int`, optional The number of the legend's columns. legend_horizontal_spacing : `float`, optional The spacing between the columns. legend_vertical_spacing : `float`, optional The vertical space between the legend entries. legend_border : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a frame will be drawn around the legend. legend_border_padding : `float`, optional The fractional whitespace inside the legend border. legend_shadow : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a shadow will be drawn behind legend. legend_rounded_corners : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the frame's corners will be rounded (fancybox). render_axes : `bool`, optional If ``True``, the axes will be rendered. axes_font_name : See Below, optional The font of the axes. Example options :: {serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, monospace} axes_font_size : `int`, optional The font size of the axes. axes_font_style : ``{normal, italic, oblique}``, optional The font style of the axes. axes_font_weight : See Below, optional The font weight of the axes. Example options :: {ultralight, light, normal, regular, book, medium, roman, semibold,demibold, demi, bold, heavy, extra bold, black} axes_x_limits : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None`` optional The limits of the x axis. axes_y_limits : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None`` optional The limits of the y axis. figure_size : (`float`, `float`) `tuple` or ``None`` optional The size of the figure in inches. Raises ------ ValueError If both ``with_labels`` and ``without_labels`` are passed. ValueError If the landmark manager doesn't contain the provided group label. """ if not self.has_landmarks: raise ValueError('PointCloud does not have landmarks attached, ' 'unable to view landmarks.') self_view = self.view(figure_id=figure_id, new_figure=new_figure, image_view=image_view, figure_size=figure_size) landmark_view = self.landmarks[group].view( with_labels=with_labels, without_labels=without_labels, figure_id=self_view.figure_id, new_figure=False, image_view=image_view, render_lines=render_lines, line_colour=line_colour, line_style=line_style, line_width=line_width, render_markers=render_markers, marker_style=marker_style, marker_size=marker_size, marker_face_colour=marker_face_colour, marker_edge_colour=marker_edge_colour, marker_edge_width=marker_edge_width, render_numbering=render_numbering, numbers_horizontal_align=numbers_horizontal_align, numbers_vertical_align=numbers_vertical_align, numbers_font_name=numbers_font_name, numbers_font_size=numbers_font_size, numbers_font_style=numbers_font_style, numbers_font_weight=numbers_font_weight, numbers_font_colour=numbers_font_colour, render_legend=render_legend, legend_title=legend_title, legend_font_name=legend_font_name, legend_font_style=legend_font_style, legend_font_size=legend_font_size, legend_font_weight=legend_font_weight, legend_marker_scale=legend_marker_scale, legend_location=legend_location, legend_bbox_to_anchor=legend_bbox_to_anchor, legend_border_axes_pad=legend_border_axes_pad, legend_n_columns=legend_n_columns, legend_horizontal_spacing=legend_horizontal_spacing, legend_vertical_spacing=legend_vertical_spacing, legend_border=legend_border, legend_border_padding=legend_border_padding, legend_shadow=legend_shadow, legend_rounded_corners=legend_rounded_corners, render_axes=render_axes, axes_font_name=axes_font_name, axes_font_size=axes_font_size, axes_font_style=axes_font_style, axes_font_weight=axes_font_weight, axes_x_limits=axes_x_limits, axes_y_limits=axes_y_limits, figure_size=figure_size) return landmark_view
def _view_3d(self, figure_id=None, new_figure=False): r""" Visualization of the PointCloud in 3D. Parameters ---------- figure_id : `object`, optional The id of the figure to be used. new_figure : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a new figure is created. Returns ------- viewer : PointCloudViewer3d The Menpo3D viewer object. """ try: from menpo3d.visualize import PointCloudViewer3d return PointCloudViewer3d(figure_id, new_figure, self.points).render() except ImportError: from menpo.visualize import Menpo3dErrorMessage raise ImportError(Menpo3dErrorMessage) def _view_landmarks_3d(self, figure_id=None, new_figure=False, group=None): r""" Visualization of the PointCloud landmarks in 3D. Parameters ---------- figure_id : `object`, optional The id of the figure to be used. new_figure : `bool`, optional If ``True``, a new figure is created. group : `str` The landmark group to visualize. If ``None`` is passed, the first and only landmark group on the object will be visualized. Returns ------- viewer : LandmarkViewer3d The Menpo3D viewer object. """ try: from menpo3d.visualize import LandmarkViewer3d self_renderer = self.view(figure_id=figure_id, new_figure=new_figure) return LandmarkViewer3d(self_renderer.figure, False, self, self.landmarks[group]).render() except ImportError: from menpo.visualize import Menpo3dErrorMessage raise ImportError(Menpo3dErrorMessage)
[docs] def view_widget(self, browser_style='buttons', figure_size=(10, 8), style='coloured'): r""" Visualization of the PointCloud using the :map:`visualize_pointclouds` widget. Parameters ---------- browser_style : {``'buttons'``, ``'slider'``}, optional It defines whether the selector of the objects will have the form of plus/minus buttons or a slider. figure_size : (`int`, `int`), optional The initial size of the rendered figure. style : {``'coloured'``, ``'minimal'``}, optional If ``'coloured'``, then the style of the widget will be coloured. If ``minimal``, then the style is simple using black and white colours. """ from menpo.visualize import visualize_pointclouds visualize_pointclouds(self, figure_size=figure_size, style=style, browser_style=browser_style)
def _transform_self_inplace(self, transform): self.points = transform(self.points) return self
[docs] def distance_to(self, pointcloud, **kwargs): r""" Returns a distance matrix between this PointCloud and another. By default the Euclidean distance is calculated - see `scipy.spatial.distance.cdist` for valid kwargs to change the metric and other properties. Parameters ---------- pointcloud : :map:`PointCloud` The second pointcloud to compute distances between. This must be of the same dimension as this PointCloud. Returns ------- distance_matrix: ``(n_points, n_points)`` `ndarray` The symmetric pairwise distance matrix between the two PointClouds s.t. ``distance_matrix[i, j]`` is the distance between the i'th point of this PointCloud and the j'th point of the input PointCloud. """ if self.n_dims != pointcloud.n_dims: raise ValueError("The two PointClouds must be of the same " "dimensionality.") return cdist(self.points, pointcloud.points, **kwargs)
[docs] def norm(self, **kwargs): r""" Returns the norm of this PointCloud. This is a translation and rotation invariant measure of the point cloud's intrinsic size - in other words, it is always taken around the point cloud's centre. By default, the Frobenius norm is taken, but this can be changed by setting kwargs - see ``numpy.linalg.norm`` for valid options. Returns ------- norm : `float` The norm of this :map:`PointCloud` """ return np.linalg.norm(self.points - self.centre(), **kwargs)
[docs] def from_mask(self, mask): """ A 1D boolean array with the same number of elements as the number of points in the PointCloud. This is then broadcast across the dimensions of the PointCloud and returns a new PointCloud containing only those points that were ``True`` in the mask. Parameters ---------- mask : ``(n_points,)`` `ndarray` 1D array of booleans Returns ------- pointcloud : :map:`PointCloud` A new pointcloud that has been masked. Raises ------ ValueError Mask must have same number of points as pointcloud. """ if mask.shape[0] != self.n_points: raise ValueError('Mask must be a 1D boolean array of the same ' 'number of entries as points in this PointCloud.') pc = self.copy() pc.points = pc.points[mask, :] return pc