Source code for menpo.transform.piecewiseaffine.base

import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from menpo.base import Copyable
from menpo.transform.base import Alignment, Invertible, Transform
from .fastpwa import CLookupPWA
# TODO View is broken for PWA (TriangleContainmentError)

class TriangleContainmentError(Exception):
    Exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to map a point with a
    PWATransform that does not lie in a source triangle.

    points_outside_source_domain : ``(d,)`` `ndarray`
        A `bool` value for the ``d`` points that were attempted to be applied.
        If ``True```, the point was outside of the domain.
    def __init__(self, points_outside_source_domain):
        super(TriangleContainmentError, self).__init__()
        self.points_outside_source_domain = points_outside_source_domain

def containment_from_alpha_beta(alpha, beta):
    Check `alpha` and `beta` are within a triangle (``alpha >= 0``,
    ``beta >= 0``, ``alpha + beta <= 1``). Returns the indices of the triangles
    that are `alpha` and `beta` are in. If any of the points are not contained
    in a triangle, raises a `TriangleContainmentError`.

    alpha : ``(K, n_tris)`` `ndarray`
        Alpha for each point and triangle being tested.
    beta : ``(K, n_tris)`` `ndarray`
        Beta for each point and triangle being tested.

    tri_index : ``(L,)`` `ndarray`
        Triangle index for each `points`, assigning each
        point in a triangle to the triangle index.

        All `points` must be contained in a source triangle. Check
        `error.points_outside_source_domain` to handle this case.
    # (K, n_tris), boolean for whether a given triangle contains a given
    #  point
    point_containment = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(
        alpha >= 0, beta >= 0),
        alpha + beta <= 1)
    # is each point in a triangle?
    point_in_a_triangle = np.any(point_containment, axis=1)
    if np.any(~point_in_a_triangle):
        raise TriangleContainmentError(~point_in_a_triangle)
    point_index, tri_index = np.nonzero(point_containment)
    # don't want duplicates! ensure that here:
    index = np.zeros(alpha.shape[0])
    index[point_index] = tri_index
    return index.astype(np.uint32)

def alpha_beta(i, ij, ik, points):
    Calculates the `alpha` and `beta` values (barycentric coordinates) for each
    triangle for all points provided. Note that this does not raise a

    i : ``(n_tris, 2)`` `ndarray`
        The coordinate of the i'th point of each triangle
    ij : ``(n_tris, 2)`` `ndarray`
        The vector between the i'th point and the j'th point of each
    ik : ``(n_tris, 2)`` `ndarray`
        The vector between the i'th point and the k'th point of each
    points : ``(n_points, 2)`` `ndarray`
        Points to calculate the barycentric coordinates for.

    alpha : ``(n_points, n_tris)`` `ndarray`
        The `alpha` for each point and triangle. Alpha can be interpreted
        as the contribution of the `ij` vector to the position of the point in
    beta : ``(n_points, n_tris)`` `ndarray`
        The beta for each point and triangle. Beta can be interpreted as
        the contribution of the ik vector to the position of the point in
    ip = points[..., None] - i
    dot_jj = np.einsum('dt, dt -> t', ij, ij)
    dot_kk = np.einsum('dt, dt -> t', ik, ik)
    dot_jk = np.einsum('dt, dt -> t', ij, ik)
    dot_pj = np.einsum('vdt, dt -> vt', ip, ij)
    dot_pk = np.einsum('vdt, dt -> vt', ip, ik)

    d = 1.0/(dot_jj * dot_kk - dot_jk * dot_jk)
    alpha = (dot_kk * dot_pj - dot_jk * dot_pk) * d
    beta = (dot_jj * dot_pk - dot_jk * dot_pj) * d
    return alpha, beta

def index_alpha_beta(i, ij, ik, points):
    Finds for each input point the index of it's bounding triangle and the
    `alpha` and `beta` value for that point in the triangle. Note this means
    that the following statements will always be true::

        alpha + beta <= 1
        alpha >= 0
        beta >= 0

    for each triangle result.

    Trying to map a point that does not exist in a triangle throws a

    i : ``(n_tris, 2)`` `ndarray`
        The coordinate of the i'th point of each triangle
    ij : ``(n_tris, 2)`` `ndarray`
        The vector between the i'th point and the j'th point of each
    ik : ``(n_tris, 2)`` `ndarray`
        The vector between the i'th point and the k'th point of each
    points : ``(n_points, 2)`` `ndarray`
        Points to calculate the barycentric coordinates for.

    tri_index : ``(n_tris,)`` `ndarray`
        Triangle index for each of the `points`, assigning each point to its
        containing triangle.
    alpha : ``(n_tris,)`` `ndarray`
        Alpha for containing triangle of each point.
    beta : ``(n_tris,)`` `ndarray`
        Beta for containing triangle of each point.

        All `points` must be contained in a source triangle. Check
        `error.points_outside_source_domain` to handle this case.
    alpha, beta = alpha_beta(i, ij, ik, points)
    each_point = np.arange(points.shape[0])
    index = containment_from_alpha_beta(alpha, beta)
    return index, alpha[each_point, index], beta[each_point, index]

def barycentric_vectors(points, trilist):
    Compute the affine transformation between each triangle in the `source`
    and `target`. This is calculated analytically.

    points : ``(n_points, 2)`` `ndarray`
        Points to calculate the barycentric coordinates for.
    trilist: ``(n_tris, 3)`` `ndarray`
        The 0-based index triangulation joining the points.

    i : ``(n_tris, 2)`` `ndarray`
        The coordinate of the i'th point of each triangle
    ij : ``(n_tris, 2)`` `ndarray`
        The vector between the i'th point and the j'th point of each
    ik : ``(n_tris, 2)`` `ndarray`
        The vector between the i'th point and the k'th point of each
    # we permute the axes of the indexed point set to have shape
    # [3, n_dims, n_tris] for ease of indexing in.
    x = np.transpose(points[trilist],  axes=[1, 2, 0])
    return x[0], x[1] - x[0], x[2] - x[0]

# Note we inherit from Alignment first to get it's n_dims behavior
class AbstractPWA(Alignment, Transform, Invertible):
    A piecewise affine transformation.

    This is composed of a number of triangles defined be a set of `source` and
    `target` vertices. These vertices are related by a common triangle `list`.
    No limitations on the nature of the triangle `list` are imposed. Points can
    then be mapped via barycentric coordinates from the `source` to the `target`
    space. Trying to map points that are not contained by any source triangle
    throws a `TriangleContainmentError`, which contains diagnostic information.

    source : :map:`PointCloud` or :map:`TriMesh`
        The source points. If a TriMesh is provided, the triangulation on
        the TriMesh is used. If a PointCloud is provided, a Delaunay
        triangulation of the source is performed automatically.
    target : :map:`PointCloud`
        The target points. Note that the trilist is entirely decided by the

        Source and target must both be 2D.
        All points to apply must be contained in a source triangle. Check
        `error.points_outside_source_domain` to handle this case.
    def __init__(self, source, target):
        from menpo.shape import TriMesh  # to avoid circular import
        if not isinstance(source, TriMesh):
            source = TriMesh(source.points)
        Alignment.__init__(self, source, target)
        if self.n_dims != 2:
            raise ValueError("source and target must be 2 "
        self.ti, self.tij, self.tik = None, None, None

    def n_tris(self):
        The number of triangles in the triangle list.

        :type: `int`
        return self.source.n_tris

    def trilist(self):
        The triangle list.

        :type: ``(n_tris, 3)`` `ndarray`
        return self.source.trilist

    def _rebuild_target_vectors(self):
        Rebuild the vectors that are used in the apply method. This needs to
        be called whenever the target is changed.
        t =[self.trilist]
        # get vectors ij ik for the target
        self.tij, self.tik = t[:, 1] - t[:, 0], t[:, 2] - t[:, 0]
        # target i'th vertex positions
        self.ti = t[:, 0]

    def _sync_state_from_target(self):
        PWA is particularly efficient to sync from target - we don't have to
        do much at all, just rebuild the target vectors.

    def _apply(self, x, **kwargs):
        Applies this transform to a new set of vectors.

        x : ``(K, 2)`` `ndarray`
            Points to apply this transform to.

        transformed : ``(K, 2)`` `ndarray`
            The transformed array.
        tri_index, alpha, beta = self.index_alpha_beta(x)
        return (self.ti[tri_index] +
                alpha[:, None] * self.tij[tri_index] +
                beta[:, None] * self.tik[tri_index])

    def _apply_batched(self, x, batch_size, **kwargs):
        # This is a rare case where we need to override the batched apply
        # method. In this case, we override it because we want to the
        # possibly raised TriangleContainmentError to contain ALL the points
        # that were considered, and not just the first batch of points.
        if batch_size is None:
            return self._apply(x, **kwargs)
            outputs = []
            points_outside_source_domain = []
            n_points = x.shape[0]
            exception_thrown = False
            for lo_ind in range(0, n_points, batch_size):
                    hi_ind = lo_ind + batch_size
                    outputs.append(self._apply(x[lo_ind:hi_ind], **kwargs))
                except TriangleContainmentError as e:
                    exception_thrown = True
                    # No exception was thrown, so all points were inside
                        np.zeros(batch_size, dtype=np.bool))

            if exception_thrown:
                raise TriangleContainmentError(
                return np.vstack(outputs)

    def index_alpha_beta(self, points):
        Finds for each input point the index of its bounding triangle and the
        `alpha` and `beta` value for that point in the triangle. Note this
        means that the following statements will always be true::

            alpha + beta <= 1
            alpha >= 0
            beta >= 0

        for each triangle result.

        Trying to map a point that does not exist in a triangle throws a

        points : ``(K, 2)`` `ndarray`
            Points to test.

        tri_index : ``(L,)`` `ndarray`
            Triangle index for each of the `points`, assigning each
            point to it's containing triangle.
        alpha : ``(L,)`` `ndarray`
            Alpha for containing triangle of each point.
        beta : ``(L,)`` `ndarray`
            Beta for containing triangle of each point.

            All `points` must be contained in a source triangle. Check
            `error.points_outside_source_domain` to handle this case.
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def has_true_inverse(self):
        The inverse is true.

        :type: ``True``
        return True

    def pseudoinverse(self):
        The pseudoinverse of the transform - that is, the transform that
        results from swapping `source` and `target`, or more formally, negating
        the transforms parameters. If the transform has a true inverse this
        is returned instead.

        :type: ``type(self)``
        from menpo.shape import PointCloud, TriMesh  # to avoid circular import
        new_source = TriMesh(, self.source.trilist)
        new_target = PointCloud(self.source.points)
        return type(self)(new_source, new_target)

class PythonPWA(AbstractPWA):

    def __init__(self, source, target):
        super(PythonPWA, self).__init__(source, target)
        si, sij, sik = barycentric_vectors(self.source.points, self.trilist)
        self.s, self.sij, self.sik = si, sij, sik

    def index_alpha_beta(self, points):
        return index_alpha_beta(self.s, self.sij, self.sik, points)

class CachedPWA(PythonPWA):

    def __init__(self, source, target):
        super(CachedPWA, self).__init__(source, target)
        self._applied_points, self._iab = None, None

    def index_alpha_beta(self, points):
        if (self._applied_points is None or not
                np.all(points == self._applied_points)):
            self._applied_points = points
            self._iab = PythonPWA.index_alpha_beta(self, points)
        return self._iab

class CythonPWA(AbstractPWA):
    A piecewise affine transformation.

    The apply method in this case involves dotting the triangle vectors with
    the values of alpha and beta found. The calculation of alpha and beta is
    done in C, and a hash map is used to cache lookup values.

    source : :class:`menpo.shape.PointCloud` or :class:`menpo.shape.TriMesh`
        The source points. If a TriMesh is provided, the triangulation on
        the TriMesh is used. If a :class:`menpo.shape.PointCloud`
        is provided, a Delaunay triangulation of the source is performed
    target : :class:`PointCloud`
        The target points. Note that the trilist is entirely decided by
        the source.

        Source and target must both be 2D.

        All points to apply must be contained in a source triangle. Check
        `error.points_outside_source_domain` to handle this case.
    def __init__(self, source, target):
        super(CythonPWA, self).__init__(source, target)
        # make sure the source and target satisfy the c requirements
        source_c = np.require(self.source.points, dtype=np.float64,
        trilist_c = np.require(self.trilist, dtype=np.uint32,
        # build the cython wrapped C object and store it locally
        self._fastpwa = CLookupPWA(source_c, trilist_c)

    def copy(self):
        new = Copyable.copy(self)
        new._fastpwa = deepcopy(self._fastpwa)
        return new

    def index_alpha_beta(self, points):
        points_c = np.require(points, dtype=np.float64, requirements=['C'])
        index, alpha, beta = self._fastpwa.index_alpha_beta(points_c)
        if np.any(index < 0):
            raise TriangleContainmentError(index < 0)
            return index, alpha, beta