Source code for menpo.math.linalg

def dot_inplace_left(a, b, block_size=1000):
[docs] Inplace dot product for memory efficiency. It computes ``a * b = c``, where ``a`` will be replaced inplace with ``c``. Parameters ---------- a : ``(n_big, k)`` `ndarray` First array to dot - assumed to be large. Will be damaged by this function call as it is used to store the output inplace. b : ``(k, n_small)`` `ndarray`, ``n_small <= k`` The second array to dot - assumed to be small. ``n_small`` must be smaller than ``k`` so the result can be stored within the memory space of ``a``. block_size : `int`, optional The size of the block of ``a`` that will be dotted against ``b`` in each iteration. larger block sizes increase the time performance of the dot product at the cost of a higher memory overhead for the operation. Returns ------- c : ``(n_big, n_small)`` `ndarray` The output of the operation. Exactly the same as a memory view onto ``a`` (``a[:, :n_small]``) as ``a`` is modified inplace to store the result. """ (n_big, k_a), (k_b, n_small) = a.shape, b.shape if k_a != k_b: raise ValueError('Cannot dot {} * {}'.format(a.shape, b.shape)) if n_small > k_a: raise ValueError('Cannot dot inplace left - ' 'b.shape[1] ({}) > a.shape[1] ' '({})'.format(n_small, k_a)) for i in range(0, n_big, block_size): j = i + block_size a[i:j, :n_small] = a[i:j].dot(b) return a[:, :n_small] def dot_inplace_right(a, b, block_size=1000): r"""
[docs] Inplace dot product for memory efficiency. It computes ``a * b = c`` where ``b`` will be replaced inplace with ``c``. Parameters ---------- a : ``(n_small, k)`` `ndarray`, n_small <= k The first array to dot - assumed to be small. ``n_small`` must be smaller than ``k`` so the result can be stored within the memory space of ``b``. b : ``(k, n_big)`` `ndarray` Second array to dot - assumed to be large. Will be damaged by this function call as it is used to store the output inplace. block_size : `int`, optional The size of the block of ``b`` that ``a`` will be dotted against in each iteration. larger block sizes increase the time performance of the dot product at the cost of a higher memory overhead for the operation. Returns ------- c : ``(n_small, n_big)`` `ndarray` The output of the operation. Exactly the same as a memory view onto ``b`` (``b[:n_small]``) as ``b`` is modified inplace to store the result. """ (n_small, k_a), (k_b, n_big) = a.shape, b.shape if k_a != k_b: raise ValueError('Cannot dot {} * {}'.format(a.shape, b.shape)) if n_small > k_b: raise ValueError('Cannot dot inplace right - ' 'a.shape[1] ({}) > b.shape[0] ' '({})'.format(n_small, k_b)) for i in range(0, n_big, block_size): j = i + block_size b[:n_small, i:j] =[:, i:j]) return b[:n_small]