Source code for menpo.fitmultilevel.builder

from __future__ import division
import abc
import numpy as np

from menpo.transform import Scale, Translation, GeneralizedProcrustesAnalysis
from menpo.model.pca import PCAModel
from menpo.visualize import print_dynamic, progress_bar_str
from menpo.fitmultilevel.featurefunctions import compute_features

from .functions import mean_pointcloud

[docs]class DeformableModelBuilder(object): r""" Abstract class with a set of functions useful to build a Deformable Model. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @classmethod
[docs] def check_n_levels(cls, n_levels): r""" Checks the number of pyramid levels that must be int > 0. """ if not isinstance(n_levels, int) or n_levels < 1: raise ValueError("n_levels must be int > 0")
[docs] def check_downscale(cls, downscale): r""" Checks the downscale factor of the pyramid that must be >= 1. """ if downscale < 1: raise ValueError("downscale must be >= 1")
[docs] def check_normalization_diagonal(cls, normalization_diagonal): r""" Checks the diagonal length used to normalize the images' size that must be >= 20. """ if normalization_diagonal is not None and normalization_diagonal < 20: raise ValueError("normalization_diagonal must be >= 20")
[docs] def check_boundary(cls, boundary): r""" Checks the boundary added around the reference shape that must be int >= 0. """ if not isinstance(boundary, int) or boundary < 0: raise ValueError("boundary must be >= 0")
[docs] def check_max_components(cls, max_components, n_levels, var_name): r""" Checks the maximum number of components per level either of the shape or the appearance model. It must be None or int or float or a list of those containing 1 or {n_levels} elements. """ str_error = ("{} must be None or an int > 0 or a 0 <= float <= 1 or " "a list of those containing 1 or {} elements").format( var_name, n_levels) if not isinstance(max_components, list): max_components_list = [max_components] * n_levels elif len(max_components) == 1: max_components_list = [max_components[0]] * n_levels elif len(max_components) == n_levels: max_components_list = max_components else: raise ValueError(str_error) for comp in max_components_list: if comp is not None: if not isinstance(comp, int): if not isinstance(comp, float): raise ValueError(str_error) return max_components_list
[docs] def check_feature_type(cls, feature_type, n_levels, pyramid_on_features): r""" Checks the feature type per level. If pyramid_on_features is False, it must be a string or a function/closure or a list of those containing 1 or {n_levels} elements. If pyramid_on_features is True, it must be a string or a function/closure or a list of 1 of those. Parameters ---------- n_levels: int The number of pyramid levels. pyramid_on_features: boolean If True, the pyramid will be applied to the feature image, so the user needs to define a single feature_type. If False, the pyramid will be applied to the intensities image and features will be extracted at each level, so the user can define a feature_type per level. Returns ------- feature_type_list: list A list of feature types. If pyramid_on_features is True, the list will have length 1. If pyramid_on_features is False, the list will have length {n_levels}. """ if not pyramid_on_features: feature_type_str_error = ("feature_type must be a str or a " "function/closure or a list of " "those containing 1 or {} " "elements").format(n_levels) if not isinstance(feature_type, list): feature_type_list = [feature_type] * n_levels elif len(feature_type) == 1: feature_type_list = [feature_type[0]] * n_levels elif len(feature_type) == n_levels: feature_type_list = feature_type else: raise ValueError(feature_type_str_error) else: feature_type_str_error = ("pyramid_on_features is enabled so " "feature_type must be a str or a " "function/closure or a list " "containing 1 of those") if not isinstance(feature_type, list): feature_type_list = [feature_type] elif len(feature_type) == 1: feature_type_list = feature_type else: raise ValueError(feature_type_str_error) for ft in feature_type_list: if (ft is not None and not isinstance(ft, str) and not hasattr(ft, '__call__')): raise ValueError(feature_type_str_error) return feature_type_list
[docs] def build(self, images, group=None, label='all'): r""" Builds a Multilevel Deformable Model. """ pass
@classmethod def _normalization_wrt_reference_shape(cls, images, group, label, normalization_diagonal, interpolator, verbose=False): r""" Function that normalizes the images sizes with respect to the reference shape (mean shape) scaling. This step is essential before building a deformable model. The normalization includes: 1) Computation of the reference shape as the mean shape of the images' landmarks. 2) Scaling of the reference shape using the normalization_diagonal. 3) Rescaling of all the images so that their shape's scale is in correspondence with the reference shape's scale. Parameters ---------- images: list of :class:`menpo.image.MaskedImage` The set of landmarked images from which to build the model. group : string The key of the landmark set that should be used. If None, and if there is only one set of landmarks, this set will be used. label: string The label of of the landmark manager that you wish to use. If no label is passed, the convex hull of all landmarks is used. normalization_diagonal: int During building an AAM, all images are rescaled to ensure that the scale of their landmarks matches the scale of the mean shape. If int, it ensures that the mean shape is scaled so that the diagonal of the bounding box containing it matches the normalization_diagonal value. If None, the mean shape is not rescaled. Note that, because the reference frame is computed from the mean landmarks, this kwarg also specifies the diagonal length of the reference frame (provided that features computation does not change the image size). interpolator: string The interpolator that should be used to perform the warps. verbose: bool, Optional Flag that controls information and progress printing. Default: False Returns ------- reference_shape : :map:`PointCloud` The reference shape that was used to resize all training images to a consistent object size. normalized_images : :map:`MaskedImage` list A list with the normalized images. """ # the reference_shape is the mean shape of the images' landmarks if verbose: print_dynamic('- Computing reference shape') shapes = [i.landmarks[group][label].lms for i in images] reference_shape = mean_pointcloud(shapes) # fix the reference_shape's diagonal length if asked if normalization_diagonal: x, y = reference_shape.range() scale = normalization_diagonal / np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2) Scale(scale, reference_shape.n_dims).apply_inplace(reference_shape) # normalize the scaling of all images wrt the reference_shape size normalized_images = [] for c, i in enumerate(images): if verbose: print_dynamic('- Normalizing images size: {}'.format( progress_bar_str((c + 1.) / len(images), show_bar=False))) normalized_images.append(i.rescale_to_reference_shape( reference_shape, group=group, label=label, interpolator=interpolator)) if verbose: print_dynamic('- Normalizing images size: Done\n') return reference_shape, normalized_images @classmethod def _create_pyramid(cls, images, n_levels, downscale, pyramid_on_features, feature_type, verbose=False): r""" Function that creates a generator function for Gaussian pyramid. The pyramid can be created either on the feature space or the original (intensities) space. Parameters ---------- images: list of :class:`menpo.image.Image` The set of landmarked images from which to build the AAM. n_levels: int The number of multi-resolution pyramidal levels to be used. downscale: float The downscale factor that will be used to create the different pyramidal levels. pyramid_on_features: boolean If True, the features are extracted at the highest level and the pyramid is created on the feature images. If False, the pyramid is created on the original (intensities) space. feature_type: list of size 1 with str or function/closure or None The feature type to be used in case pyramid_on_features is enabled. verbose: bool, Optional Flag that controls information and progress printing. Default: False Returns ------- generator: function The generator function of the Gaussian pyramid. """ if pyramid_on_features: # compute features at highest level feature_images = [] for c, i in enumerate(images): if verbose: print_dynamic('- Computing feature space: {}'.format( progress_bar_str((c + 1.) / len(images), show_bar=False))) feature_images.append(compute_features(i, feature_type[0])) if verbose: print_dynamic('- Computing feature space: Done\n') # create pyramid on feature_images generator = [i.gaussian_pyramid(n_levels=n_levels, downscale=downscale) for i in feature_images] else: # create pyramid on intensities images # features will be computed per level generator = [i.gaussian_pyramid(n_levels=n_levels, downscale=downscale) for i in images] return generator #TODO: this seems useful on its own, maybe it shouldn't be underscored... @classmethod def _build_shape_model(cls, shapes, max_components): r""" Builds a shape model given a set of shapes. Parameters ---------- shapes: list of :map:`PointCloud` The set of shapes from which to build the model. max_components: None or int or float Specifies the number of components of the trained shape model. If int, it specifies the exact number of components to be retained. If float, it specifies the percentage of variance to be retained. If None, all the available components are kept (100% of variance). Returns ------- shape_model: :class:`menpo.model.pca` The PCA shape model. """ # centralize shapes centered_shapes = [Translation(-s.centre).apply(s) for s in shapes] # align centralized shape using Procrustes Analysis gpa = GeneralizedProcrustesAnalysis(centered_shapes) aligned_shapes = [s.aligned_source for s in gpa.transforms] # build shape model shape_model = PCAModel(aligned_shapes) if max_components is not None: # trim shape model if required shape_model.trim_components(max_components) return shape_model